Sunday, May 13, 2012

Confessions of a FAT boy!!!

"Excuse me."
Hmmm...soft voice.A girl.I turned around."Wow!!!"..what a face... and what figure...and...and...(let it be!:-p ...full body scanned. :-p). I was blocking her way.(You know these hi-fi book stores! The space between book shelves is so small.) Our eyes met. For mini seconds though. But the look she gave was like she had seen a monster, ready to eat her.Raw.Hello?? Haven't you seen a boy who is little bigger in stature (read overall size) than you. What is so abnormal?? Ok,i accept am over weight.ok. Little extra over weight.(not even that! only belly, bum & waist are of little extra size.everything else is normal.) But that does not mean i don't have heart.

This has been the case for past few months. Everywhere you go, all eyes on you.Not because you are the "show stopper" but bcoz you can't fit into their eyes.You are too big. You are FAT. FAT!FAT!!FAT!!! The 3 letter word is the biggest abuse you can get. Those looks haunt you. The nightmares of you standing in a jam packed Colosseum like a gladiator {a fat one of course :-(}. You are loser. People cursing, throwing tomatoes, eggs, chappals at you."Yeh dharti pe bojh hai","he has no right to live","yes, kill him", "kill him","kill him","kill him"! You wake up. You are wet.... from sweat!!  Its 2:30 am. You make up your mind.Morning 5:30-jogging for at least 5 km. You put alarm for 5:00 and go back to sleep.

5:00 am..tick tick..."snooze"....5:10...tick tick..."snooze"....6:30....tick tick..."Shit man." You hurriedly wrap up morning activities and are ready in 6 min sharp. You go to the lift but its not working.ah! Trying hard to keep yourself motivated you say,"anyways if i go by stairs i will burn some extra,no issues." From 8th floor you come down to basement and off you go.You reach jogger's park. Feel happy to see fellow fat people. Mostly uncles and aunties. There are few teenage boys and girls, running, doing all sorts of exercises."Don't be discouraged yaar! tu bhi waisa tha jab tu unke umar ka tha" or "shayad athlete hoge.They need to maintain their stamina." Leave it. You successfully complete 1st round and then realize that you have to catch office bus. So you start your way back! Not a bad start huh?

In office, all you can think about is how to burn more and more calories. In between you go to internet PC and search for sites like,, You delete your search history coz its your secret. You will surprise everyone with your toned, all-muscle body. They will be shocked and will make awkward faces? Who will make what type of face? Your day dreaming starts.You are interrupted. Its the pantry boy."saarrrr, Chaudari saab ka ladki hua. uskaa sweets".Its Kaju-katali. your favourite.But you take only one piece.Yummy...its awwwssshhuumm! take 2 more."arey, now i have started exercising, anyhow i am going to burn all these calories." 

Its lunch time. You take only one chapati. But your friend who has taken more than he can eat offers his rice to you." arey, kya yaar dost ke liye itna nahi karega?(why & from where in the hell dosti came up) "you started dieting or what?", "come on yaar,  you will/can eat more than this. Khaa le..."...What?? sale, its my stomach, not BLACK-HOLE where you can dump everything. But you eat it, for the sake of "friendship".You know you won't be able to control at dinner.You do some freaky calculations in your mind. You gained more than you lost.Shit. Unsuccessful day.You lost. Lost gladiator. One more  dream that will make you wet in bed...unfortunately again because of a horrifying nightmare making you sweat!!! Shit scaring!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

In aakhon ki masti...

Nazar unchi ki to duaa ban gayi,
Nazar neechi ki to hayaa ban gayi,
Nazar tirchi ki to adaa ban gayi,
Nazar pher li to qaza ban gayi....

Those beautiful eyes. You know they are following you.Everywhere. Observing your every action, noticing your every move, ensuring you are a safe bet. Sensing that, you do many uncharacteristic things, indulge in irrelevant affairs, trying to be the one you are not . Its your examining process. Testing the intentions of the "eyes". But they are aware of this process.The master in the art . They stop following you. What was that? You were expecting continuance, at least, if not the next move. You panic, without knowing that this was actually the "next move".

Now, its your turn to follow. But you don't just follow. You seek attention. You take out every weapon from your armor, choose every possible path. You assume the hunters's role, waiting for prey to fall in your trap. But they don't respond. You are baffled.

You decide to confront, without thinking of the consequences. And when your eyes meet "the eyes", you are caught off guard. The beautiful eyes penetrate your body, scan your soul.Goosebumps! You are hypnotized. Enticed to willfully accept the "slavery". Yet, you feel "king of the world". "Shikaari khud yaha shikar ho gaya..."

The start of puppet show. The eyes tease you, mock you, hurt you,  praise you, please you. Exploiting every damn emotion.Your sole purpose ,now, is to grab attention. To make the eyes glued to you.Only. They are world to you and you will fight the world for them. There is a pleasure in the misery.Happy, satisfied and at peace.

One god forsaken day, with no fault of yours, you go out of sight. The "moist eyes" search for you, for long. You had left a lasting impact. You stretch yourself as far as possible but no use. The eyes cant do that. Subsequently, the eyes stop searching you. You are left stranded. Game over. qaza=death 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

जय महाराष्ट्र

Scene 1 :- मोठा तंबू.आत  फेटेवाले, पोट सुटलेले , जाड मिशीवाले .एक  लहान रंगमंच. लोकांचा धीर सुटतोय. तेवढ्यात ढोलकीचे सूर घुमू लागतात.  एक नाजूक पाठमोरी नार घुंगराचा मधुर आवाज करत , कंबर लचकवत रंगमंचावर येते. ढोलकी थांबते. नार गिरकी घेऊन , भुवया नाचवत लोकांना मुजरा करते. बैठक मांडून पहिला वार करते. " झाल्या तिन्ही सांजा ss....." 
"लई भारी" , "शाब्बास", "तोडलंस", "नाद खुळा"...एकच जल्लोष ..लोकांचे फेटे उडतात. पैश्यांची बरसात....!!!

Scene 2:- विठ्ठल रुखमाईचे देउळ.वारकरी संप्रदाय.अबीर गुलालाचा सुंगंध दरवळतोय. "सर्व स्तरातील" भक्तांचा गोतावळा. मधोमध पांढरा सदरा, तसंच धोतर आणि पागोटे घातलेला सुमार देहबोलीचा पण चेहऱ्यावर अनोखे समाधान असलेला माणूस.एका हातात  चिपळी, दुसऱ्या हातात  तंबोरा. डोळे मिटून नामस्मरण करतो. "पुंडलिक वरदा,हरी विठ्ठल, श्री ज्ञानदेव तुकाराम ..."शंखध्वनी. विठ्ठलाचा जयघोष.अवघी सृष्टी विठ्ठलमय!!! 
"सुंदर ते ध्यान , उभे विटेवरी ss...."

Scene 3:-अति भव्य मैदान.लाखोंचा जनसागर. पक्षाचे झेंडे जागो जागी लागलेले. डोळ्याचे पारणे फिटतील,एवढा मोठा मंच. मागे मोठ्या पडद्यावर शिवाजी महाराजांचे हाती तलवार घेतलेले चित्र. त्यापुढे १५-२० चमचे मंडळी खुर्च्यांवर बसून, घाम पुसत, शक्य तेवढा शांत असण्याचा अभिनय करत. त्यांच्या पुढे  मंचावर मधोमध एक शिडशिडीत देहयष्टीचा पण प्रचंड उर्जा,आत्मविश्वासाने भरलेला 'नेता'.तो ललकारी देतो. 'आजपासून " महाराष्ट्र माझा आणि मी महाराष्ट्राचा". एकसुरात "जय भवानी,जय शिवाजी" च्या घोषणा.फटाक्यांची आतषबाजी!!!

आज महाराष्ट्र दिन !! या थोर भूमीत जन्म मिळाला म्हणून अभिमानाने उर भरून येण्याचा दिवस. छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज ,ज्ञानोबा-तुकोबा, टिळक, सावरकर,फुले, आंबेडकर ह्या नर-रत्नांच्या खाणीत एक धुळीचा कण असल्याच्या समाधानाचा दिवस. आज एक ठरवू या की, काहीतरी मोठे, उदात्त, उन्नत करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणार या आयुष्यात.नाही जमले तर जेवढं जमेल तेवढं प्रेम आणि आनंद लोकांत वाटणार.हो एवढं नक्कीच आहे आपल्या हातात. 
तोपर्यंत "जय हिंद , जय महाराष्ट्र"

ता.क.:- प्रस्तुत blogger सध्या आंध्र प्रदेशात आहे आणि लहान लहान गोष्टींवर senti होत असतो (आणि हा तर मोठा प्रसंग ). आणि आपल्या पुण्या-मुंबईच्या मित्रांवर फार फार जळतो.हि एक संधी जगाला सांगण्याची कि मी  महाराष्ट्राला किती miss करतो  :-p so..its okkkkk...